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《开阴车》小说第10章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《开阴车第10章》,请您 ,免费阅读开阴车第10章完整版全文。

天使之翼,载着她的梦…… 一遭折翼,又该何去何从。 她的梦,化为一世从容,原来只是一个梦。 倾一座城,淡一场梦。梦醒过后,留我一人独自惆怅,我的爱究竟在何方……我该留于何处…… 梦天使之翼

她是人们心中的女神,他是人们心中偏执,阴郁,黑暗的少年,她是人们宠爱集于一身的富家千金,他是穷困潦倒的孤儿 傅恒从没想到这个人们心中高不可攀的小公主,有一天会带着满身的温柔向他走来 重生傅少的小撩精甜爆了

Loretta has loved Lee for years--even following him to South Africa so they could be married. But when she meets Paul Tremayne, a domineering, ruggedly handsome man who happens to be Lee's friend and employer, her attraction to him is undeniable. Loretta gives in to her desire--and finds that behind Paul's severe exterior burns a passion so fierce she is powerless to resist it. Torn between two loves, Loretta must choose--or risk losing her heart and the man she loves. ToBuyAMemory

简宁跳楼了,叶深以为自己会开心,可实际上他纵身一跃,随她而去,只为说声,“对不起,我爱你。” 宁以情深共此生

(阴暗的爬行) 重生后的生活

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